The browser application visualizes the relationships between your inventory. Configure your environment with the tile view and diagram view according to your needs.
Tiles aggregate several cloud resources into a single visual item that represents a single streaming video channel or other related collection of resources. Multiple square tiles are displayed in a grid and can be filtered by state. You can create single tiles through the browser application or multiple tiles in bulk with the solution’s RESTful API.
Example channel tiles
Each tile displays the aggregated media service configuration information for all resources included in that tile. You can also select the tile to view the tile’s resources on an existing diagram, or choose to create one on-demand. When you choose the diagram button on the tile, it searches for diagrams containing all the tile’s resources, and allows you to select a matching diagram or generate a new diagram with the tile’s resources.
The following image shows the aggregated JSON configuration of all the cloud resources assigned to the tile. This output is shown in the Selected Item compartment when the tile is selected with the mouse.
JSON configuration file" width="" />
Tile elements in JSON configuration file
The application visualizes your resources and connections as workflow diagrams that are assembled by the user. Diagrams can be organized in any way that makes sense for your environment and required level of detail. The browser application includes features to navigate, find, and build diagrams of related cloud resources. It visualizes cloud resources as nodes and the logical connections between resources as directed edges.
Example workflow diagram
The application includes two default automatic layout configurations: vertical (top to bottom) and horizontal (left to right). You can also select and move individual items or groups of items to new locations to create your own custom layout. When you move items, the layout is saved in the cloud so all users will be able to view the same diagrams at the same endpoint.
Furthermore, the solution’s diagram tool features the following:
The solution is designed to be extended with new node types, connection discovery, visualization overlays, and tools. You can add custom nodes within the browser application directly, or cached into a database through a cloud-side task.
The diagram shows on-premises equipment: AWS Elemental Live encoder and several firewalls with connectivity to cloud resources.
Workflow diagram with on-premise equipment incorporated
The following image shows the JSON configuration of a diagram node when it is selected in the diagram. This is the same configuration you would receive from the response to a List or Describe API call directed to the service.
JSON configuration file" width="" />
Diagram elements in JSON configuration file