Here are some links to free study materials available online. Please note that these materials are only suggested and supplementary. Our inclusion of them is not an endorsement, or a guarantee of exam success.

GOAL for Exams P, FM, IFM, LTAM, STAM, SRM, MAS-I & MAS-II: GOAL is included free with an authorized purchase of an ACTEX or ASM Exam P, FM, LTAM, STAM, SRM, MAS-I or MAS-II study manual as part of StudyPlus+. GOAL is an e-learning test prep tool for students to practice skills learned in class or from independent study. The online platform offers a database of thousands of SOA & CAS exam-style problems with detailed solutions, 3 learning modes (Practice, Quiz, Simulated Exams), and 3 levels of difficulty (Core, Advanced and Mastery). GOAL also includes instructor support.

SOA – Online Sample Exams P & FM – The SOA now offers online sample exams for exams P & FM. No word yet on whether additional sample exams will be added. These are free and provide an online exam experience that allows students to experience the Computer Based Testing used in most of the SOA’s preliminary exams.
Also available on the SOA – Past exams and solutions *

CAS Student Central – Study guides, sample tests, and time management tips available, students must sign up for an account on the website to access the materials: CAS Student Central Members are provided access to a number of exclusive exam tools, check back for updates!

Rethink Studying has loads of free advice and resources, specifically for passing actuarial exams. It’s run by Mike Jennings & Roy Ju, the authors of Actuarial Exam Tactics. Roy is the youngest person to ever achieve his FSA, at age 20!

Dr. Krzysztof Ostaszewski, Actuarial Program Director at Illinois State University, has posted his advice on passing actuarial exams:

Achieving Your Pinnacle: A Career Guide for Actuaries by Tom Miller, ebook available to download for free at ACTEX.

Howard Mahler – sample study guides and test prep available on his website.

PAK Study Materials – samples available

FREE Webinar: 6 Things Actuarial Students Should Be Doing – A free on-demand webinar outlining topics including passing exams, enhancing technical skills and formulating a strategy to seek internship opportunities. Available to download for free at ACTEX.

Candidates should be aware that exam syllabi are constantly evolving and therefore not every prior question is relevant for the current exam. Even so, the questions and solutions do provide guidance regarding the type of questions asked and appropriate responses.